Types Of Games. Click on the game to see description

Safety Rules To Follow For Safe Play

Bumping should be a result of play, not the goal of play.

-Do not run full speed into players.
-Do not bump players while they are on the ground.
-Bumping into one another is a result of play, not the goal of play.
-Do not hit players from behind.
-Do not lower your head when making contact.
-Do not leave your feet when playing.
-All participants under 18 must have adult supervision.
-Not for use by persons who have a waistline of 40 inches or greater.
-Not for use with more than one person in the KnockerBall® at the same time.
-Not for use by persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
-Not for use on pavement.
-Not for use near streets or roads with automobile traffic.
-Not for use in water.
-Not for use on hills or slopes.
-Always play knockerball® on a level surface within a large marked off or enclosed area.
-Always use under proper adult supervision.
-Always properly inflate the KnockerBall® before use.
-Always properly adjust and wear the shoulder straps and firmly grasp the inner handles.
-Always remove eyeglasses and any sharp or heavy objects from clothing before use.
-Never attempt any stunts unless totally familiar with the KnockerBall®.
-It is recommended that you consult a physician prior to playing KnockerBall®. For use only by persons healthy enough for vigorous physical activity.
-Not for use by pregnant women or persons with any medical condition such as asthma, claustrophobia, heart conditions, seizures or neck or back problems.
-A waiver must be signed by every participant prior to playing KnockerBall.
-No spearing, bull charging, or charging with your head down.
-Players should wear appropriate footwear. Flip flops, open-toed footwear, steel-toed footwear, spikes, or cleats are not appropriate.
-Players must fit in the ball properly.

-6” or more clearance from the top of the head to the top of KnockerBall.
-Tailbone should be covered by KnockerBall.
-Inner handles should be at chest level.
-Shoulder straps should be adjusted properly and resting on the shoulders.
-Do not kick each other or the KnockerBalls.
-Remove jewelry, cell phones, earbuds, and eyeglasses unless absolutely necessary. Eyeglass straps are recommended.
-Do not hit people when they are on the ground. It is not safe to keep hitting someone who is trying to get up. Let them get up so that the fun can continue.
-No blind bumping of anyone not ready.
-Ball to Ball contact only. Do not hit someone not in a ball.
-If you are not playing, do not hit, push or pull someone in a KnockerBall.
-Do not damage the balls by running into trees, fences, walls, or other objects that may cause damage to the equipment.
-Do not knock into each other outside the field of play.
-When in a KnockerBall, stay in the field of play, whether the inflatable arena, gym, field or any location designated for safe play.
-Remain in your KnockerBall when you are playing. If you must get out of the Knockerball, move away from the are of play.
-No smoking in the field of play or in or near KnockerBalls.
-Always ensure proper inflation of the KnockerBall before use.
-Always properly adjust and wear the shoulder straps.
-Only use KnockerBalls on grass, turf, or gym floors. If playing on grass, check for sharp objects like sticks or rocks that could injure players or puncture the KnockerBalls.
-Do not use on pavement, cement surfaces, near streets or roads, or near automobile or pedestrian traffic.
-Do not use in water or anywhere near any bodies of water, including pools, lakes, oceans, ponds, or rivers.
-Do not attempt any stunts, including but not limited to jumps from an elevated area. Dangerous stunts may result in injury.
-Never attempt to roll down any hill or grade while inside a KnockerBall.
-Don’t tense up when you get bumped, just roll with it.
-Control yourself with a mixed crowd. If playing with different genders or sizes of people, be respectful of that and don’t bump too hard.
-Report any damage to the KnockerBalls, if you have a leak or loose handle, or if your straps need adjustment consult an event coordinator.
-If playing indoors, it is inevitable to run into the walls. Do not however slam people into them, as they can get injured.
-KnockerBall is a sport, you will get tired, so please take rest breaks.

Large – Our most popular size by far. For most Adults and High Schoolers. This will be best for anyone over 5 feet and over 12 years old. Before getting started make sure the player's straps are adjusted properly and there is a minimum of 6 inches of room above their head to the top of the ball.
Medium – This is best for ages 6-12 and under 5 feet of height. Kids vary in weight and height so it is best to ask the trained provider for their recommendation.
XL – This is only for the larger players that are well over 6 feet and over 225 lbs. It is important before playing to go over the safety rules and watch the training videos on the Do’s and Don’ts of how to play Knockerball. It is also important that players on the field are the same size and athletic ability. We do not recommend younger children and adults/teens playing at the same time. Remember, being safe is fun!
Small – Custom quotes only for these little guys. This lightweight tiny ball is best for ages 2-6. For rolling around and light bumps – playing games and laughing!

© 2025 K and C Knockerball Bucks County               Powered by Event Rental Systems
K and C Knockerball Bucks County is an independent operator and subsidiary of and registered license trademark of Knockerball